Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Toxic People

Before tackling this issue, we need to define what are toxic people. 

A toxic person is defined as someone who makes you feel physically and emotionally tired, and negative, but what makes it worse is that they are very good at confusing you, and you realise you trust their opinion more than you trust yourself (Langslet, 2018).

We can identify such people in our lives, but the challenge is to cut them away.

While adults can easily walk out of a toxic relationship, teenagers struggle with that, as they believe strongly in opinions of others, even if a friend is constantly being sarcastic or even abusive, so they need self-esteem to realise that they are being abused (Rivera, 2013).

What makes it worse is that young children are susceptible to such people. It affects their development later on. Verbal, physical or sexual abuse has long-term effects on children’s self-esteem. Sometimes adults need to be discerning as to who the toxic people are, to protect these young ones. We as adults will sometimes struggle with healing those wounds, but with children are they capable of doing so?

Some relationships are worth keeping or repairing, but some people are like snakes. If you get bitten by a snake once, it is obviously the snake's fault. But if you allow the snake to bite you again, you are the one to blame. In the same way, we tell children to keep their hands on their laps, when they don't and their hands get injured, the blame lies with them.

Hence, if certain people do not give you peace of mind, you have to make a difficult decision.



Langslet, K. (2018, April 6). 3 Signs a Toxic Person Is Manipulating You (and What to Do About It). Retrieved from GREATiST:

Rivera, M. (2013). TOXIC PEOPLE. The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education, 33.

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